AmigaOS3.5 (290/967)

From:Xavier Messersmith
Date:9 May 2000 at 08:52:43
Subject:Re: Amiga OS 3.5 and Picasso II

On 08-May-00, wrote:
> Adam Szymczak wrote:
>> I'm rather interested in how you got 14MB of fast ram on your A4008. I have
>> that card, and as far as I know the RAM limit is 8MB.
> Sorry, I did make a mistake on that one. The Derringer has 8mb 32-bit ram on
> it and the GVP has two 4mb simms. That was my problem. However, I tried just
> removing one of the 4mb GVP simms and setting the jumpers correctly and the
> card is listed as defective at startup. At this point, I am willing to give
> up the 8mb fast ram for the working video. Thanks to all who replied and
> leaned me in the right direction.

The Derringer memory should not be in conflict with the graphics card.

Is it possible to fully disable the RAM on your controller card? If just to
narrow the possibilities.

You say "the card" was listed as defective. Could you clarify wether it was
the graphics or harddisk controller?

Freeing RAM on the controller should have done it to my knowledge.

I have a Derringer with a 32-meg SIMM in it (and an FPU), a GVP series-II
hard/ram board (with 8 megs ram) and a GVP Spectrum 2 meg card. When I
disabled 2 megs on my controller card (by jumper alone, even today I still
have 8 megs worth of SIMMs in it) my graphics card stopped reporting to be

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__ //// /\ /\/\ / / _\ / /\ |
\\\/// __ \/ \/ / \/ __ \ | A-2000 39M 030/882/50
\\/ \/ \/\/\/\/\/ \__/\/ \/ : IT ALL FREEZES!!!

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